Thursday, March 29, 2012

I (heart) hearts

Phew!  The babe is finally napping. We're both tired after a sleepless night. Ivy was sleeping in our bed, tossing and turning... (well, not exactly turning as she isn't flipping over yet) Every time I opened my eyes she was wide awake staring at me.

What was I thinking with this crazy outfit? At least the plum stains on her pants match her onesie.

Today I found two handmade beauties today, this cute little sweater and this little summer shirt:

These finds inspired me to make my first treasury list on Etsy, called I (heart) Hearts. Here are some of the pieces I included. I would wear all of these things if they came in adult sizes... especially the puffy sleeved 80s/early 90s sweaters. Come to think of it, I had a white unicorn and heart puffy sleeved sweater in my adult years...
From Funkoma Vintage
From Little Wooden Hangers
From Sweetshop Vintage
From Gnarly Numeggers
from Beehive Babies
From Pirates B00ty
Call Me Anytime vintage shop

Bye for now...

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